Dear Residents, As you may already be aware there is potentially a new development planned on Stocking Lane on land owned by Matt & Jerry Barnes. This land is zoned residential and borders onto Prospect Manor and Springvale. It will directly affect some residents of Prospect Heath and Prospect Avenue and it will indirectly affect all residents of Prospect Manor in some way. The owners informed us they will shortly be looking for planning permission from SDCC and if received they would plan to sell the land to a developer. Below you will find: • The current draft of the proposed development plan • SDCC process and procedure regarding proposed developments • Potential concerns regarding the proposed development • Next steps SDCC Process and Procedure regarding Proposed Developments
Until a formal application is made to SDCC only informal conversations with the owners can take place. PMRA have already informally met with the owners. Below has been taken from the SDCC Website. Please note the parts highlighted in red regarding Submissions or Observations regarding the proposed development. “Once an application is Received by the Planning Department, what happens next? The planning decision process usually takes 8 weeks. The application will go through the following stages: • When the planning application is received, the application will be examined to ensure everything is correct and in order, valid or invalid (if found to be invalid, the application will be returned). • The site notice must be kept up and legible for 5 weeks from the date notice has been erected. The planner will visit the site possibly on a number of occasions during this time to check the site notice (if the site notice is found to be invalid due to site notice, the application will be returned). • Submissions or observations will be accepted up to 5 weeks from the date of receipt of the application. • After this, the planner will begin to assess the application and write his/her report where a recommendation is made. • Application and report then go to the appropriate levels for approval and signing where the decision is made. • The decision letter will be sent by registered post, normally within 8 weeks from the date the application is received. • If permission is granted and if no appeal is made after 4 weeks the Planning Authority will issue a grant of permission. • If Additional Information is requested and indeed, possible clarification of Additional Information, the applicant has up to 6 months (from the original date the Additional Information was requested) to submit the response to both. • Any decision made can be appealed by the Applicant or objectors, to An Bord Pleanála within 4 weeks from the decision date. • A person who has an interest in land ADJOINING land in respect of which a decision to grant permission has been made, may apply to An Bord Pleanála for Leave to Appeal against that decision. Submissions/Observations Any person or body, on payment of the prescribed fee, may make a submission/observation, in writing, to a Planning Authority in relation to a planning application. The submission/observation must be made within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Planning Authority of the application. The following should be noted: Defamation Notice Persons making a submission/observation on a planning application should be aware that comments involving allegations of any kind against a named or otherwise identifiable person or organisation may be viewed as defamatory by the subject of the comments. Persons may be sued directly for any defamatory allegations in any submission/observation and should avoid making such allegations. Any submission/observation made to the Planning Authority is made available for public inspection both in the hard copy file and on the Council’s website. In the event of any potentially defamatory allegation giving rise to legal action against it, the Planning Authority may seek indemnity from the person making the allegation.” Potential Concerns regarding Proposed Development
Next Steps
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