Dear Residents,
The following charter was adopted by Prospect Manor following the heavy snowfall a few years ago and sets out what is required by each resident and what the PMRA will be responsible for:
1. DO NOT LEAVE CARS PARKED ALONG MAIN GREEN AND AT ENTRANCE. South Dublin County Council have put double yellow lines around main green prohibiting parking in this area and we would request that residents comply with this. This will allow emergency services, deliveries and snow clearing vehicles to enter estate and will avoid damage to cars.
2. PMRA WILL HIRE IN A JCB OR SNOW PLOUGH AS REQUIRED TO CLEAR THE ROADS PROVIDED THAT RESIDENTS HAVE NOT BLOCKED MAIN GREEN AND ENTRANCE TO ALLOW ACCESS. Please clear a track on the main road outside your house in the event there is a delay in getting snow plough into estate.
3. EACH RESIDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEARING THEIR OWN DRIVE AND PATHWAY OUTSIDE THEIR HOUSE. DO NOT LEAVE SNOW HEAPED UP ON PATHWAY BLOCKING FOOTPATH AND FORCING FELLOW RESIDENTS OUT ONTO THE ROAD. Please check on neighbours who may be unable to do this for themselves and volunteer to help them out. Please do not hesitate to contact any residents association committee members should you require help to clear snow outside your house.
4. PMRA HAS A QUANTITY OF ROCK SALT FOR CLEARING DRIVES AND PATHS. This has been distributed all over the estate and will be available to all residents.
5. DO NOT ALLOW SNOW TO COMPACT AND ICE OVER. Snow should be cleared as soon as possible after it arrives.
If all residents can adhere to this plan and we can clear paths and roads here should be no problem in cars and pedestrians being able to access all parts of the estate safely and there will be no need to abandon cars at entrance.
Your assistance in this matter at this time will be greatly appreciated by fellow residents.
The following charter was adopted by Prospect Manor following the heavy snowfall a few years ago and sets out what is required by each resident and what the PMRA will be responsible for:
1. DO NOT LEAVE CARS PARKED ALONG MAIN GREEN AND AT ENTRANCE. South Dublin County Council have put double yellow lines around main green prohibiting parking in this area and we would request that residents comply with this. This will allow emergency services, deliveries and snow clearing vehicles to enter estate and will avoid damage to cars.
2. PMRA WILL HIRE IN A JCB OR SNOW PLOUGH AS REQUIRED TO CLEAR THE ROADS PROVIDED THAT RESIDENTS HAVE NOT BLOCKED MAIN GREEN AND ENTRANCE TO ALLOW ACCESS. Please clear a track on the main road outside your house in the event there is a delay in getting snow plough into estate.
3. EACH RESIDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEARING THEIR OWN DRIVE AND PATHWAY OUTSIDE THEIR HOUSE. DO NOT LEAVE SNOW HEAPED UP ON PATHWAY BLOCKING FOOTPATH AND FORCING FELLOW RESIDENTS OUT ONTO THE ROAD. Please check on neighbours who may be unable to do this for themselves and volunteer to help them out. Please do not hesitate to contact any residents association committee members should you require help to clear snow outside your house.
4. PMRA HAS A QUANTITY OF ROCK SALT FOR CLEARING DRIVES AND PATHS. This has been distributed all over the estate and will be available to all residents.
5. DO NOT ALLOW SNOW TO COMPACT AND ICE OVER. Snow should be cleared as soon as possible after it arrives.
If all residents can adhere to this plan and we can clear paths and roads here should be no problem in cars and pedestrians being able to access all parts of the estate safely and there will be no need to abandon cars at entrance.
Your assistance in this matter at this time will be greatly appreciated by fellow residents.